Grading Policy

Graded Course Activities

Assignment Points Possible Total Points Description
Discussion Post 5 on each 40 Top 8 scores from 9 discussion prompt posts
Discussion Replies (2) 5 each unit 40 Top 8 scores from 9 discussion replies
Exams 60 on each 180 Multiple choice and short answer
Total 260 Possible points

Expected Work

These assignments are not graded, but they are expected to be completed in order to be successful in the course

Assignment Description
Introduction Practice assignments to introduce you to the course structure
Readings Weekly assigned textbook readings
Problem Sets Practice questions to scaffold learning for the discussion and exams
Learning Reflections Reflections of completed unit and exam performance

Grading Scale

Grade Points Percentage Performance
4.0 234 to 260 90 to 100% Excellent Work
3.5 221 to 233 85 to 90% Nearly Excellent Work
3.0 208 to 220 80 to 85% Very Good Work
2.5 195 to 207 75 to 80% Good Work
2.0 182 to 194 70 to 75% Average Work
1.5 169 to 181 65 to 70% Below Average Work
1.0 156 to 168 60 to 61% Poor Work
0.0 0 to 155 0 to 60% Failing Work

Viewing Grades

Grades will always be available on the D2L gradebook. The multiple-choice portion of the exams will be automatically graded but will not be available to students to view until after the exam closes. Short answers will be graded by hand and will not be completed until the day after the exam.

Any grading questions or concerns should be addressed as soon as possible. At most, questions about grades should be submitted within one week of the grade being posted to D2L.

Work Submission Policy

The teamwork nature of this course requires that students keep up to date with their assignments and actively engage in the activities. Since the review videos open immediately after the assignment’s due date, I prefer not to accept late work when it can be avoided. One discussion post and one pair of discussion replies will be dropped to accommodate the occasional issue that arises. If you have emergencies or other life events that prevent submission, please let me know.

However, if you need flexibility in the semester, particularly during an Exam week, please contact me. Your health and safety and that of your loved ones should take priority over course assignments. We can work through any extension / accommodation when needed.

What should I do in case of…

Illness or Injury

Message me if you will be missing a deadline. Preferably, contact me prior to the deadline, but if that is not possible, as soon as you can.

Bereavement due to death in the family or similar tragedy

Message me if you will be missing a deadline. Preferably, contact me prior to the deadline, but if that is not possible, as soon as you can. Also, make sure to request a grief absence from the university. In order to request a grief absence, you must fill out the Grief Absence Request Form within 7 days of the event and provide the requested documentation. All of your instructors will be informed about your excused absence days.

Chronic health issues, physical disabilities, and learning disabilities

If you experience severe and chronic health issues, physical disabilities, or learning challenges that prevent you from completing assignments by the deadlines, we can attempt to devise a plan to help support you.

Please provide me with a VISA issued by the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD). I am extremely willing and able to provide accommodations for students with such conditions, but a VISA is required in order to do so. Information regarding a VISA is kept confidential, and you will not be asked to provide personal health information related to the diagnosis. Students eligible for a VISA are highly encouraged to obtain one and provide it to me as soon as possible. If you have applied for a VISA but it has not been issued, please inform me, and send me the name of your RCPD advisor.