The Essentials


The course runs from August 26 through December 13.

D2L will open on August 21. There is an introduction discussion post due at 11:59 pm on August 29 and other introduction assignments due at 11:59 pm on August 30.

Fall break is October 21 through 25. Thanksgiving break is November 25 through 29.

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Required Textbook

Neuroscience. Sixth Edition. Editors: Purves, Augustine, Fitzpatrick, Hall, LaMantia, White. Sinauer Associates, Inc. 2018.

Course Structure

This course is designed as a paced, asynchronous course, meaning there are scheduled due dates, but there are no schedule meeting times.

Required Technology

Students will need access to a laptop or tablet and reliable internet. A phone or tablet camera or webcam is recommended for video discussions.

We will use two technologies for learning in NEU 841: Desire 2 Learn (D2L), Zoom, and MediaSpace

Learn more about each technology


I prefer if students ask me questions via the Private Chat discussion forum in D2L. Only you and I can see the content in a private chat. However, email also works.

Learn about more communication options

Webcam Policies

I would love to see your face in your videos this semester. I believe it helps create a stronger sense of community in our digital learning environment. However, no one is required to record their face for any video submitted in this course. Want to always record your face? Great. Want to record your face some weeks and not others? Cool. Want to never record you face? No problem. Other video options are discussed in the first discussion assignment.